Getting in touch with my inner cow

watching the red light

through wet hair and steel

spring rain falls

Raindrops danced on Science Odori. Over the past wet mile, I had developed a theory of how the secret goal of all meditation is to take our brain back to the thoughtless state of a herbivorous large mammal, say a cow, to release our poor overtuned human brain from all the electric tension accumulated through decades of unfinished intercalated thoughts, to bring it back to the state of pure serenity, where brain cells relax tensionless, thoughtless. I wanted to try this, and I wanted to expose my illumination to a couple of trees on the other side of Science Odori, and if they agreed, become the founder of a spiritual society around a holy cow, all Indians welcome. Finally I got green light from the grey other side of the street, accompanied by a biik-baak-biik-baak cacophony, just in case I had gotten blind in the meantime.

green light => go said my inner cow, and I.

(BLT: This Monkey's gone to Heaven)

Thursday 13 May 2010

First almost public lecture

The reaction was obvious: tears, tomatoes and panties.
Thanks to Warren for organising it all.

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